Why study in Australia

A country famed for its pioneering innovations, Australia ranks among the top 3 study abroad destinations. Apart from the Group Eight Universities, the island nation houses some of the leading academic institutions offering quality education across fields. Australia is the origin for inventions like Wifi and Google Maps which the world now depends upon. Studying under renowned experts and professionals, students can gain skills and grow abundantly in their unique field of interest.

Studying in Australia guarantees high academic standards and globally recognised qualifications with education administered by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). From experiencing a serene environment and exploring the world’s largest coral reef, studying in Australia is definitely a unique experience.

In the latest Best Student Cities ranking, seven Australian cities are included in the top 100, which is based on several factors, including student feedback, university rankings, student diversity, employer relationships, and cost of living.

The standard of living in Australia is among the highest in the world. Compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, the cost of living and tuition in Australia is significantly lower. In order to reduce their living expenses, students from abroad are able to work part-time while studying. There are scholarships available to help international students reduce the cost of Australia abroad study. Furthermore, English is the first language of a large number of immigrants in Australia.

The melting-pot country provides an ideal environment for students’ developmental growth through flexible education methods and promotes creative thinking in various fields of study. It houses all 8 Ivy League universities of the world, of which Harvard University holds the highest rank in the country and is considered the most prestigious. Thanks to the sheer size of the country and a large number of schools and universities, there is a university suited for each student. From the breathtaking L.A. beaches to the Big Apple, the United States is truly the land of opportunities.

Popular study abroad universities in Australia

Popular courses in Australia


Actuarial Science

Agricultural sciences


Biomedical Engineering

Business Management




Creative Arts and Design


Environmental Science

Computer Science/IT


Clinical Psychology

work opportunities in Australia

Many countries, including Australia, allow international students to work while enrolled in full-time government-recognized courses. When you study abroad in Australia, you should not expect to live entirely on your income, however, the extra income you earn will help you meet your financial commitments.

Nevertheless, if you are studying abroad as well as working at the same time, you must follow some country regulations and rules. International students who want to study abroad in Australia are required to meet the following criteria:

• College students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week while attending classes.
• While the classes schedule is off during holidays or vacations, working up to 40 hours per week is acceptable.
• In Australia, students are allowed to enter 90 days before the start of classes. Work is only permitted once your course starts.
• Upon beginning your course, your family members or spouse can work for up to 20 hours per week. It is possible to work up to 20 hours at a time.
• Upon receiving a letter of acceptance, you may apply for an Australian student visa to study abroad in Australia.
• Students must adhere to the requirements of the programs they are enrolled in on a regular basis.
• According to the requirements of the program, students must maintain regular attendance.
• The Overseas Student Health Coverage (OSHC) is mandatory for all overseas students.


Note: Volunteering at charitable organizations and nonprofit organizations is also encouraged as a wonderful way to meet new people, gain practical experience, and be a valuable member of the community.